Friday, May 15, 2009

Raspberry Vinaigrette

I just discovered one of my favourite salad dressings... I guess I have a sweet tooth because I love anything with raspberries and sugar, even if it's not a dessert!

I have made this dressing so many times and never bothered to measure the portions of ingredients I mix in... so here's my best guess:

4 parts raspberries, finely crushed (I used frozen raspberries from Coles, just thawed them for 10 minutes)
1/2 to 1 part balsamic vinegar
2 parts extra virgin olive oil
1/2 to 1 part white sugar

Just mix it all together and serve over salad, it's really that simple! (The salad shown below was made of baby spinach, shopped nashi pear and apple, avocado and slivered almonds... basically what I happened to have in the fridge!)

1 comment:

  1. I only recently discovered raspberry vinaigrette (I know I know...I'm slow!) and absolutely love it now!!! So ya I'm so gonna try your recipe to make my own. I gotta go get balsamic vinegar first though. Hehe... Thanks!!
